A child, left unattended in a truck, is adopted by its drivers, Mangat and Bajirao, and cared for by a woman, Buaji. The child, a male, is named Lucky and grows up street-smart in the city of Bombay. When he attains adult-hood, he meets and falls in love with Shanti, and when he approaches her dad for her hand in marriage, he is humiliated and asked to leave. Lucky swears to w... 最新最经典好看的影视剧-可搜影视为您提供财富在线观看,更多影视请访问www.keso.org
A child, left unattended in a truck, is adopted by its drivers, Mangat and Bajirao, and cared for by a woman, Buaji. The child, a male, is named Lucky and grows up street-smart in the city of Bombay. When he attains adult-hood, he meets and falls in love with Shanti, and when he approaches her dad for her hand in marriage, he is humiliated and asked to leave. Lucky swears to w... 财富免费在线观看,更多影视请访问www.keso.org